BiH Independence Day 2017

During our BiH Independence event, one of the challenges made by our team was for our community members to cover the expense of hall rental. This is a fair way for our community to demonstrate its willingness to support such programs, so that BAI doesn’t have to provide funds for community activity from its own institutional budget. While there are many other expenses associated with this event, this challenge was specifically about hall rental. Our accounting team has provided the following financial information:

Cost of Hall Compared to Donations Received

Donations from the community and the sale of drinks brought in $1190.05. Our hall rental costs were $1124.00.

Therefore, we are glad to report that our community donations and drink sales covered the cost of hall rental. We also had a donation for one of the photos on display for $400.00. BAI absorbed the other costs of the event from its operational budget. As far as next year is concerned, if any local organizations express a desire, in the next several months, to lead the BiH Independence Day event, we will be glad to support them. Otherwise, you can count on the BAI team to come up with something for such an important occasion. Bosnia-Herzegovina’s independence is a precious milestone, and all members of our community should be enabled and empowered to celebrate it. Without our followers and community engagement, organizations like ours can only have limited impact. So thank you to those who have helped create a constituency and have found ways to support BAI, our young people, and other such institutions.